Where are they Now?

Lorena Minja – Ivan Backer Scholarship ’17

This is a picture of Lorena Minja (4th from the left) in 2017 , receiving an Ivan Backer scholarship. The Ivan Backer scholarship is given to three Bulkeley high school seniors who have proven a commitment to community service. Lorena demonstrated her commitment to service by volunteering at a kindergarten in the north end of Hartford. Lorena came to the US from Albania when she was 16 years old. Within six months of her move, she was already volunteering. At the time of this picture Lorena said that volunteering, “Gives you an opportunity to change people’s lives, including your own.” She elaborated, “It gives you the pleasure to be the happiness in somebody’s life, helping someone who may not be able to help him/herself.”  With her scholarship, she planned to start in the fall at UConn’s Hartford campus majoring in Business.

“[Volunteering] gives you an opportunity to change people’s lives, including your own”

While at UConn, Lorena got involved with many activities. She served as a student senator with the student government association. During her sophomore year, she was appointed the treasurer. This appointment ended up being pivotal in her life. It was during her time as treasurer she decided to become an accounting major. This anecdote highlights a piece of advice Lorena lives by. “Always get involved, no matter how small.,” she shared. “Everything adds up. Everything is rewarded. “

“Always get involved, no matter how small. Everything adds up. Everything is rewarded”

So where is she now? In the Spring of 2021, Lorena graduated from UConn with a Bachelors in Accounting. After graduation she traveled to her home country of Albania to visit with family. Following her time abroad, Lorena was hired as an accountant with United Healthcare, where she works in their downtown office. Being a person who is constantly improving herself, she is also a part time student pursuing her Masters in Business Administration in finance from Central Connecticut State University. In ten years, she hopes to have moved her way up the ladder at United Healthcare and be a senior accountant manager.  

Lorena’s habit of constant improvement has fueled her success. This practice is the final piece of advice she wants to share with current high school students. “Do things that make you a better person, a more capable person,” she said.  “Don’t be afraid to try new things.” Being willing to step out helped Lorena get a college scholarship and refine her career path. She thinks it will make all the difference in your life too.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things”